Great Color!!

  • Height 5'9"
  • Weight 135 lbs
  • Bust 34B
  • Body Type Athletic
  • Age 41
  • Size Worn 4
  • Usual Size 4
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Date

I ordered this dress as my backup dress for a wedding and decided to go with the other one for the main event. However I wore this out on a date with my husband the night before. It is a little on the casual side (I wore it with sandals and did not feel overdressed at all), however I can imagine it could be dressed up a bit with heels and fancy jewelry. I thought the color was amazing, and loved the detail on the shoulder. I also felt it looked better hiked up a bit (with the string pulled tight enough to hold it up) - which kind of looks like how the model in the pic did it. My only complaint is the sleeve did not seem as flowy/long/pretty on me as it did on the picture. Not sure if my arm is longer than the model's, or if the dress I had somehow had a shorter sleeve - but it looked slightly off. Other than that I would definitely rent this dress again for a casual-type occasion.
