It was alright

  • Height 5'0"
  • Weight 135 lbs
  • Bust 36D
  • Body Type Full Bust
  • Age 37
  • Size Worn 12
  • Usual Size 6
  • Overall Fit Small
  • Worn To Party

I wore this dress for a bachelorette party. I knew from the previous reviews that it would be hard to sit down in this dress and they were not kidding. At dinner I had to sit on the edge of the seat and was unable to sit down at the bars. Forget bending over if you drop something. Also, tape is a must have if you want to avoid a wardrobe malfunction. The dress was not too tight in the stomach which was why I rented it - for anyone with a few extra pounds this is something that is not clingy and is forgiving in that sense. I had a fun time but overall the dress was more hassle than it was worth.
