Beautiful dress!

  • Height 5'4"
  • Weight 115 lbs
  • Bust 32C
  • Body Type Petite
  • Age 38
  • Size Worn 0
  • Usual Size 2
  • Overall Fit Large
  • Worn To Wedding

This dress ended up looking great and is a beautiful dress/fabric, however, it was not without a lot of work. I had to safety pin it in several locations to get it to fit since it runs so large. I had read other reviews on here saying it ran big but I had no idea it would be that much bigger! Thank goodness I am skilled with a safety pin :) Even after safety pinning it in several spots, it was somewhat obvious if you really looked at it (fabric was bunching where I folded it, you could see the fabric not line up). Dress is still very pretty but if you want a good fit, this is dress may not be it.
