Amazing Colors!

  • Height 5'6"
  • Weight 135 lbs
  • Bust 36A
  • Body Type Athletic
  • Age 38
  • Size Worn 4
  • Usual Size 6
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Party

I rented the 4 and 6 - wore the 4 to a bachelorette party . The six was a little large/baggy in the mid-section. Pros: amazing color and stands out in pictures. Con: quite short when when you sit and no stretch at all. But it fit like a glove! The fabric is different in person than the pictures. It is a teal layer of fabric with a purple knit lace over. I thought it was a print from the pictures online. Which explains why there is no stretch. Tons of compliments and a perfect first rental of many to come!
