Great color!

  • Height 5'5"
  • Weight lbs
  • Bust 34B
  • Body Type Straight & narrow
  • Age 39
  • Size Worn 4
  • Usual Size 4
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Wedding

I read a lot of the the other RTR reviews and based on those, I decided to get a 4 and 6 since most people said it was pretty tight in the hip area. Unfortunately, I found the 4 to actually be too big in all areas but I just went with it. There was no need for spanx, just make sure you have a strapless bra. I got a lot of compliments on the dress all night and the color was very eye catching. This dress was a lot of fun and a great alternative to the same old black and neutral tones!
