Fun dress

  • Height 5'7"
  • Weight 136 lbs
  • Bust 34D
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 41
  • Size Worn 4
  • Usual Size 4
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Party

Adjustable straps on the back so you can fit it to your torso, the color is slightly less bright than I thought based on the photos I saw but very pretty, comfortable. I would imagine it'd be flattering on different body shapes; makes one look thinner. Much shorter than expected, thank goodness I rented this for a picnic-type party, not a wedding. Very cute dress but unless you're shorter than 5'7", I don't think it would fit an occasion with any sort of formality. My friends loved it! PS: I posted the crazy shot because I thought it might help you see how this dress moves. :)