Bold colors!

  • Height 5'5"
  • Weight 120 lbs
  • Bust 34C
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 35
  • Size Worn
  • Usual Size 4
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Other

I originally ordered different earrings for the event, however a RTR stylist contacted me immediately to inform me that they were unavailable, but of the various options I had to choose from. The stylist was very helpful, and patient. I was concerned about theses earrings because they are clip-on and I had not worn clip-ons before. Once they arrived, I tried them on and they were very comfortable. The night of the event, I did not experience discomfort of too much pressure, yet they were very secure. :) Overall, I am open to clip-ons thanks to this experience.
