Great Color

  • Height 5'8"
  • Weight lbs
  • Bust 36D
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 36
  • Size Worn 14
  • Usual Size 12
  • Overall Fit Small
  • Worn To Other

I rented this dress for my birthday dinner at a fancy hotel/restaurant. I got many compliments, especially on the color. I wore a strapless bra slip underneath. I normally wear a size 12, but my backup size, the 14, fit much better. I think this dress could have been more flattering - in certain light the round neckline did not photograph well. Also, at 5'8" this dress was a tad on the short side, especially when I sat down. However, my worry that this dress would be too fall-y or winter-y was for naught - the rich color works in any season. Overall it was a pretty dress that was comfortable to eat in!
