Great color!

  • Height
  • Weight lbs
  • Bust
  • Body Type
  • Age
  • Size Worn 4R
  • Usual Size 6
  • Overall Fit
  • Worn To Formal Affair

The cut of this dress is fabulous - it felt covered but still classy and loved how it made my middle feel fit and skinny - always a plus! I also hate wearing strapless bras but this dress being loose up top made it so I didn't feel like I had to adjust anything all night. Other reviewers comments about the zipper had me a bit concerned I might have issues getting it on since I don't have any roommates but it was totally fine - a little tough but still very doable while wearing. It's not the most exiting dress for the event but i felt very confident it would fit the bill and it did. Love RTR!