Stunning Color

  • Height 5'9"
  • Weight 200 lbs
  • Bust 38G
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 48
  • Size Worn 10
  • Usual Size 14
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Wedding

This is a head turner because people expect black and are wowed by the intensity of the blue color. I am always worried about the length when renting but this worked out well with my long legs. The bottom isn't a full a-line flare but don't worry ladies with curves; it still fits the hips. It is possible I could have gone down to the 8 but this was comfortable. Note: Most cameras and lighting will photograph this dress as black, but to the eye it is midnight blue. If your event is all about the photos and you don't want black, then go for another dress.
