• Height 4'10"
  • Weight 150 lbs
  • Bust 38D
  • Body Type Full Bust
  • Age 66
  • Size Worn 14
  • Usual Size 14
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Other

I wore this dress to 2 different Casinos. Just like last year, I was like the proverbial bell of the ball! I LOVED the color of this dress!!!! The Badgley Mischka jewels I got to go with the dress were the PERFECT compliment to this dress!!! Now for some real good advice - Ladies, I can not stress this enough, be sure to have plenty of pins, fabric tape, or whatever!!!! (See note below) Since this is a rental, not all designers sizing is created equal!!! I am a shorty but I am large in places where I require adequate to say this, well some things need more help to be held in place, and they don't work well with the cut of a dress like this. Evening one was a great trial run for night 2. If you tend to run your hose, be sure to have an extra pair handy, even a SMALL run, with plenty of finger nail poslish to stop it, is NO MATCH for the sequins on this dress!!! Overall, I'd rent this dress, or ANY Badgley Mischka for that matter, AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! Thanks once again Rent the Run Way for making my birthday all sparkly and bright!!!! NOTE: I think the torso of this dress is meant for someone longer than mine is. Without those pins mentioned above, this dress would have been a fashion disaster.
