Great color

  • Height 5'7"
  • Weight lbs
  • Bust 34C
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 41
  • Size Worn 6
  • Usual Size 8
  • Overall Fit Large
  • Worn To Wedding

I have mixed feelings about this dress. On one hand it was a great color and very comfortable. On the other the fabric wrinkled very easily, also it was rainy that day so when the back got a few rain drops on it the fabric stayed blotchy for the rest of the night even though it was dry. Also, not sure if this is the case for everyone, but if you have hips the belly area tend to pooch out (and I don't have anything close to a pooch). In some pics it looks great, others not so much. Didn't hate it, didn't love it.
