Beautiful color and material!

  • Height 5'8"
  • Weight 165 lbs
  • Bust 36D
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 37
  • Size Worn 6
  • Usual Size 12
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Wedding

This dress fit really well and I got many compliments on how beautiful the color was. It was more red than I expected based on the photo (which seemed more coral to me), but it looked great. The material is thick and very forgiving and it's a bit shiny - overall very pretty! Also, it has pockets, which was a pleasant surprise. My only tiny comment is that I wish the straps were a bit shorter because they tended to slide down and the dress was a bit lower in the front than I would have liked. Other than that, I was very happy with it!
