
  • Height 5'7"
  • Weight 130 lbs
  • Bust 32B
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 41
  • Size Worn 2
  • Usual Size 2
  • Overall Fit Large
  • Worn To Date

When I first put the dress on I was surprised at how short it actually was. I almost thought about returning it (I'm 5'7''). Then my fiance returned home, he loved it and told me to keep it. So, I paired it with a pair of opaque black tights and went with it. My original size I ordered, the 4 was just very baggy on me so I went with my backup size, the 2. It still wasn't very fitted, but thats the style. I'm glad it was just for a date night for NYE rather than a wedding when I would have been very concerned about dancing in it!
