Great color!

  • Height 5'1"
  • Weight 120 lbs
  • Bust 32D+
  • Body Type Full Bust
  • Age 35
  • Size Worn 6
  • Usual Size 6
  • Overall Fit Large
  • Worn To Wedding

Fits on the larger side for Shoshana dresses. Usually a 6 fits me well, but I can't zip it all the way up in the back due to bust size. With other Shoshana dresses I've tried on, I've had to go up to an 8 for this reason, even though I'm short and don't need the extra room anywhere else. With this dress, zipping up a 6 was easy! It was still tight feeling across the bust, but it didn't look it at all. You can wear a normal bra with it too, which is great. The color is really beautiful. The downside is that the lace sleeves are really stiff, so I avoided big hugs and dancing with my arms way up in the air... manageable! Overall, really pleased with the dress!
