Amazing Color

  • Height 5'7"
  • Weight 135 lbs
  • Bust 34C
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 57
  • Size Worn 6
  • Usual Size 6
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Wedding

I wore this dress to my friend's summer wedding and received so many compliments. I don't normally wear dresses this color but I was so intrigued by it that I took a chance. I'm glad I did becase the color was spectacular. I wore the dress with very simple and delicate gold necklaces, a gold bangle, and drop earrings. I also decided on nude shoes instead of black shoes -- I thought the black shoes against the color was too harsh. I ordered both the 6 and 8 size but the 8 was too large on top -- it just hung on me. Thankfully the size 6 ended up being the better fit. If you're not tall, I don't recommend this dress for you. I'm 5'7" without heels.
