Great color!

  • Height 5'5"
  • Weight lbs
  • Bust 36D
  • Body Type Full Bust
  • Age 38
  • Size Worn 12
  • Usual Size 10
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Wedding

Sorry, the only clear photos were from the photo booth, so please excuse the hat :) This was probably my least favorite dress that I've rented from RTR. Neither size fit my proportions. The smaller had a better shape and fit well on top but it was a little too tight in the hip to get away with. The larger size had more room in the hips but it was WAY too big on top and the waist was a little too low. I had to pin it at the shoulders so the waist of the dress fell where it was supposed to. That said, the dress was a great color and ended up looking good, but I was a bit disappointed. RTR dresses are either really unique or fit really well, and I didn't feel either of those ways about it.
