Beautiful color!

  • Height 5'10"
  • Weight lbs
  • Bust 34C
  • Body Type Athletic
  • Age 39
  • Size Worn 8
  • Usual Size 8
  • Overall Fit Large
  • Worn To Wedding

I really liked this dress in the pictures I had seen online. Unfortunately when I received the dress, it was very wrinkly and it seemed very worn. (Multiple dry cleans possibly). I had to iron it before my event (summer wedding). This seemed to help. No one really noticed the imperfections but me. I did receive numerous compliments on the dress, especially regarding how pretty the color was. I probably could have worn a 6 but I was nervous after reading the reviews that it would be tight in the chest. This wasn't the case for me, I wore a nicely padded bra and was still very comfortable. I will definitely rent again, I just hope the next outfit I choose looks fresher and newer.
