Almost perfect!

  • Height 5'9"
  • Weight 173 lbs
  • Bust 36B
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 37
  • Size Worn 8
  • Usual Size 10
  • Overall Fit Small
  • Worn To Wedding

I wore this dress for a wedding that was 5 days before Christmas. I love the dress, but unfortunately I'm a size smaller up top than I am on the bottom. I got the 6 and 8 and it was a good thing I did. The 6 fit great up top, but too small for my hips. I went with the 8 so it wouldn't be riding up on me all night, but it was a bit loose in the top. It's a really pretty and a flattering dress, but if you're not the same size up top and bottom then I'd skip it.
