Great choice!

  • Height 5'3"
  • Weight 145 lbs
  • Bust 36B
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 41
  • Size Worn 10R
  • Usual Size 10
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Formal Affair

This was my first formal affair and the first time I got to dress up like this. The gown made me feel amazing! Ok, here are my critiques: the sequins are so small and fine, they didn't scratch me at all. The gown was heavy when I took it out of the bag but felt good while I was wearing it. It was a little difficult to walk in at first until I learned how to walk in it..haha! I am 5'3" and wore 4" heels which were good, but 5" might have been better. If you have a bit of a tummy don't let that stop you from choosing this gown!! The embellishment and the way the dress fit hid all of that and I didn't feel self-conscious at all. My -one- complaint: the zipper! The zipper was a nightmare!!! I don't know if it was just this particular zipper on this gown but I had the most terrible time with it. Every time I zipped and unzipped it I was afraid I was going to break it. Fortunately, it didn't break and everything was fine, but I sure had a difficult time with it. Other than that, the gown was the perfect choice for my evening. Thank you RTR! You did everything you said you would and I appreciate that :)
