MD Graduation!

  • Height 4'10"
  • Weight 98 lbs
  • Bust 32A
  • Body Type Petite
  • Age 38
  • Size Worn 38
  • Usual Size 0
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Other

Fit well, stretchy enough to be flexible with sizing. I chose the 38 instead of 36 just for more comfort. Only problem was that since it was stretchy, it didn't have much structure and bunched up around the torso whenever I walked, so I kept having to smooth the dress down. Otherwise, great colors, dress really pops. I wore it with simple pearls and had my hair in a bun. I didn't like the straps because they were beige and looked like bra straps, so I just tucked them into the dress and wore it as a strapless. Hem hit around knee length which was perfect for my graduation, a more formal affair.
