• Height 5'6"
  • Weight 148 lbs
  • Bust 34D
  • Body Type Hourglass
  • Age 54
  • Size Worn 2
  • Usual Size 4
  • Overall Fit True to Size
  • Worn To Party

I felt really glamorus in this dress. Do not buy gold or silver shoes. The color is more like a pink champagne tone. Luckily my best friend had shoes to match this dress perfectly. The shoes are like a pinkish champagne color and it went perfect. Some of the threading is loose on the beading. It wasnt too noticeable, but because Im wearing it, I noticed it more. Nonetheless I absolutely felt amazing wearing it. This is my first experience with RTR, and I recommend it to everyone. The process was smooth and easy. My mom said I should rent this dress again. I AGREE!
